
This package is developed using continuous integration which can be found here:

The latest development version of the documentation can be found here:

If you wish to contribute to this project, then you should fork the repository found here:

Once that has been done and you have a checkout, you can follow these instructions to perform various development tasks:

Setting up a virtualenv

The recommended way to set up a development environment is to turn your checkout into a virtualenv and then install the package in editable form as follows:

$ virtualenv .
$ bin/pip install -U -e .[test,build]

Running the tests

Once you have a buildout, the tests can be run as follows:

$ bin/pytest

Building the documentation

The Sphinx documentation is built by doing the following from the directory containing

$ cd docs
$ make html

Making a release

To make a release, just update the version in, update the change log and push to and Carthorse should take care of the rest.